Thursday, August 27, 2009

and another one bites the dust..

geeze. it is 9:30 at night and i am beat. today involved contractors so will tomorrow, not to mention, writing out their check. there was a tow truck needed, with an out of pocket $95 price tag plus getting whatever is wrong fixed. it was the dodge. it's at the dealership. i was 15 minutes late to the salon, but the red wine i indulged in while there helped with the GAD. jacques was going to be 45 minutes late getting jason picked up from school, so i called and arranged for him to go to after school care, but worried until jacques picked him up cause i figured he thought abandonment, but he wants to go everyday! so no worry there. maybe every now and then, he can go. BUT there is great grade school news and hair photos, stay tuned. i need a beer and a horse sedative.

1 comment:

Aunt Janie said...

I'm waiting....where are the pictures of your new do?