Saturday, August 15, 2009

On this Saturday in August.

Started early, but will be an amazing day of family and shopping. Ryan was up before 7 and the coffee was brewin' moments after.

Breakfast was peanust butter toast and coffee.

Jason is at karate with his Dad this morning. He will get his new belt today because we missed the awards ceremony.

I got an awesome email from Julie and one each morning from Brad the last two days. I will respond to both after this post.

The plan for the day: to the Commissary for groceries on Post, Burlington Coat Factory, the PX to have my eyeglasses adjusted (Note to Self: Remember to take them with you plus we need light bulbs.) then to Old Navy for $19 adult jeans sale.

I hope to run around all morning then be home for the rest of the weekend.

Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

You forgot to mention that Zachary called us at 7:00 AM, Kansas time! He must have been thinking about his sister!