Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Out Like a Lamb.
April will also be filled with a shelf full of fabulous new reads, lots of blooming creativity, and hopefully lots of Mommy Time-Outs. I am also hoping April brings us working on getting the house the way I imagine it.
I am looking forward to more soccer games, afternoon spring rains, zoo trips, friends and travel. I want a potty trained puppy, healthy babies and a happy spoiled big kid. I would love to see some family and take mountains of photos.
I am ready for egg hunts, bunny ears, Almond Joys and Easter goodies. I want a vase full of fresh flowers, a mantle with a theme and natural light invading the house from corner to corner.
I am glass half full and ready for you, April.
See You Tomorrow.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Dake Family plus One.
More March Reads.
Julie- You may like it as a teacher.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Extracurricular Activities.
Yesteryday, he played a crazy soccer game. He was an animal. He scored 3 goals and we won the game 5-1. It was rained out in the last quarter. He was amazing. More photos going up on flickr.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Goals 'o9.
In case you can't read all the pages due to the sloppy handwriting, they mainly are lose weight, read, travel.. I have a few more too, such as have the wisdom teeth painfully ripped out of my head. Some are already accomplished, like getting my Passport. You can see them all on flickr.
Here is last years album: Resolutions 'o8
Thursday Things.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Jason had an amazing soccer game on Saturday against another great team. They tied 4 to 4.
Twilight, bought my copy at midnight and the board game. I waited to watch it with friends over supper on Saturday evening. I am ready to re-read the entire series, but my Twilight is lent out. I will start with New Moon. Ugh.
The babies are sleeping, go figure and now we have to leave for karate. Ugh.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Way to go, Zachary!
Friday, March 20, 2009
4 Hours 4 Minutes and 48 Seconds.
Me: "I just want to make sure you all are releasing Twilight at Midnight?"
Lady: "A what?"
Me: "I want to make sure you are releasing Twilight at Midnight?"
Lady: "I am going to have to transfer you."
Ugh. You would think I was speaking in tongues. Was that not clear enough for you? Do you live in a closet? Where the hell have you been? Adur.
Life is so unfair.

I talked to Becca last night who told me she was able to get it at a hotel on pay per view. Jacques said, "Honey, you can get a hotel room tonight. Just take the babies too." Ummm. No. He had me up until the whole "take the babies" thing.
Tomorrow night we are having friends over to watch the movie. We are having steak, tatos and what not. I think I will eat mine raw, just to stay in tune with Edward. It's no grizzly, but it'll do.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hello, again.
After I picked Jason up from school, we ran to Hobby Lobby and Walmart. They are conveniently side by side so I can load the babies in the stroller and walk from store to store. Nice. Anyway, they had a huge set up of Twilight goodies, which I could not resist from buying. At the check out, the cashier says to me, "What is this Twilight stuff? Is it a movie?" Ugh. She should be fired. I intend to write a strongly worded letter to Walmart headquarters and ask them just what kind of people they hire.
Also today, I was flipping through an old magazine from August 08 and there was an advertisement for the Kindle. Haunting Me.
Zachary has some crazy hair that falls in his face so today I cut his hair. Just up front. It looks much better.
Shannon, I got the goods. We are good to go.
Yesterday I only got about 5 pages into my new book.
Ready for travel and Thursday Things.
Zachary is finally nodding his head yes when I ask him if he wants something. I am loving this. I can say, "Do you want your milk?" and he nods. I will try to get it on video later. It really looks more like he is head banging to Nirvana rather than just answering my question. Ryan has been nodding for a while.
Zachary also knows where the cookies are in the cabinet and will stand there with his hand up growling at me. It is super funny. I will try to get that on video too.
This morning I took Jason to school and will pick him up. He has soccer tonight. The babies are sleeping so I took a quick shower and am now at the computer.
While I was rocking the babies, Dirty Dancing was on. Hooray! Trivia Time: Did you know that Patrick Swayze taught John Travolta how to dance for the movie Urban Cowboy? Yep. I love that movie.
Twilight Countdown: Approximately 36 hours.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"What follows is a memoir that's as moving as it is funny, as heartbreaking as it is real. Dry is the story of love, loss, and Starbucks as a higher power."
This is the 2nd book for March and the 7th book of '09. This morning I am starting his 3rd book A Wolf at the Table. It has to go back to the library on Saturday. So it needs to be another quick read. I am sure it will be.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday Recap.
I saw the Twilight Trailer TWICE. It made my day. Twice.
I finished my book. I will post a review tomorrow.
Jacques had softball and updated his phone to a Blackberry.
Zachary has another slight diaper rash again. I have him in cloth diapers. When he poohs in them, Jacques washes them out for me. I love that man.
We had company, Ayden and Christine, who are here in SC but moving back to KS on Friday.
My camera was returned safely and unused, but he will need it again.
Speech today for Jason and he won't have a session on Thursday. That means one less thing to do this week.
St. Patrick's Day Photos will be up tomorrow.
The babies were napping well after 645 pm which means we are in for a late night.
I watched the Pilot of the original 90210 today. I also watched final episode too.
Our newest energy bill is $290.00, down from $361.00
Three boys and a man all bathed and smelling like peaches.
Leftover Chili for supper and IDOL at 8 pm.
St. Patrick's Day. Look for photos later. I am camera less, well technically not, because I own 4 cameras, but the Hubby took my Canon to work. I informed him that he would be inflicted with some serious wounds if anything happen to my Canon. Then he said, "No. You would just make me buy you the newest one." This is TRUE. I am now secretly hoping that my camera falls 2 stories out of the office window, rolling down a hill hitting numerous trees, being crushed by 2 large moving vehicles before finally landing in a large puddle of rain and mud.
Nah. I love my camera.
I am sure my camera is in loving hands or else.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Twilight Board Game.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Call Me Sometime.


Saturday. Wet Cold Rain. The soccer game had been canceled and we are all up and veggin' out. Jason is on the Wii and the babies are in the toy box. The hubby is on the couch and I am ready to finish my book today. Just popped on for a Howdy DO and to check my inbox. Hugs, M