Thursday, March 26, 2009

Goals 'o9.

See, I still scrap. So this is my Goals 'o9 mini for this year. I made all my goals back in January but it took me till March to get them into an album. Most papers are from a CK Kit from early 2008. Reid- You will LOVE this part. I am doing it all handwritten. No fonts. No computer. That makes it super easy to add to, because this is an ongoing album. Since the photos, I have added more pages already and as the year progresses, I may add more goals too. And I am going to add some cut baby green rick rack to the book rings.

In case you can't read all the pages due to the sloppy handwriting, they mainly are lose weight, read, travel.. I have a few more too, such as have the wisdom teeth painfully ripped out of my head. Some are already accomplished, like getting my Passport. You can see them all on flickr.

Here is last years album: Resolutions 'o8


julieann said...

LOVE that you are using your own handwriting!! You will be so glad that you did:):)

Aunt Janie said...

AWESOME and your handwriting is beautiful...that DID NOT come from the Lee side....

Love ya!

Aunt Janie