Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday Part Two.

Zachary vomited again this afternoon. Then I cleaned up liquid poo off the carpet. It leaked from a diaper.

Our stroller has 12 tires on it and 14 buckle straps.

Tonight is American Idol.

Jacques started softball practice tonight.

Jason has speech and his therapist is in Arizona, so he saw another younger girl. When we left, I said we would have her again next time. He said he wanted to have her forever. I think it is because they played Go Fish.

Ryan has a new tooth. A molar and another one is coming in.

This morning, I broke glass night light bulb on the floor. I compulsively swept, then vacuumed and finally mopped, hoping all pieces are of the floor.

Jason and Jacques had McDonald's for lunch.

I am finishing up the last few 100 pages of my March Book. Julie, I am embarrassed that you have read these words too.

I am on a waiting list for a book at the library. I am number 23 on the list. That means, after 22 other people check it out for a month, in just under 2 years or 22 short months, it will be my turn with the book. I may have to check into just buying it. Ugh.

Talked to Grandma, Mom, Christine and Kristine, Ian and Mike today. I emailed Aunt Janie.

5:33 pm we are watching Spongebob. No plans for supper.

I have a weight check up tomorrow. Look for good news on that.

I am seeing a movie Thursday night and I have dinner plans for Sunday evening. Busy Girl.

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