Friday, March 13, 2009

finally friday.

Seriously, I thought today would never arrive. Thank You, Friday. A day of absolutely no plans or places to be. The coffee is brewed and warm in my cup and yesterday's episode of my soap is on. The oldest boys are out the door and off to work and school. The baby boys are covered in chocolate chip heaven, in feeted pajamas, that I wish came in a size adult.

Last night, we had soccer practice, Fazzoli's, then stopped at Best Buy. Once we were home and had both babies sleeping, I snuck out to meet up with Christine at the movies. We were going to see The Reader but it wasn't playing so we saw Madea Goes To Jail. Super Funny. I love Tyler Perry flicks. I got home shortly after midnight and the hubby was still up watched the Biography channel. Ugh. He was watching a show on Wyatt Earp (Bell, You will Love This!) and I say to him, "Honey, we already saw Tombstone. Why are you watching this?" He gave me a stare. So a few minutes go by and I have my nose in my book, then I hear the narrator say, but pretend not to acknowledge it, that such movies do not portray the real lives' of the Earps. Again, I get that same stare from Jacques. Photos From This Morning. March 13th


Mandi said...

They do make footie jammies for adults! I've seen them somewhere... Now I have this immense urge to google it and send you a link. Your boys are adorable, by the way!

Tammy said...

Yes they have them. I see them when I visit the in-laws in Kansas City. I don't remember what store but they sell them somewhere in Missouri.