Rockin' this brand new phone today. LOVE IT. Our phone plan was up and ready to be upgraded. Jacques got a new phone a year ago, so lately he had been hounding me about getting a new one. I don't really think I needed a new one. I don't mind the fact that it using oozing with saliva, and that the buttons stick because of the smashed bits of Cheerios in between the keys, or the fact that occasionally my phone would not even disconnect from my calls. BUT Jacques thought maybe it would be better to just "look" at new phones. Needless to say, I left with this new hot little PINK number. Grrrrr! Jacques later said to me, "Did you get that one cause it was pink?" Me, "Uhhh, Yeah. Duh." I will buy
anything that comes in pink. Plus this will be the perfect way to keep in touch while I am in Scotland. This little lovely has the Internet, Email, GPS, TV, weather.. EVERYTHING I could ever need, right at the tips of my perfectly pink painted finger nails. So call me anytime. I love to hear her ring. Hugs, Mandy
ooh, pretty...
Great phone and glad you are on Sprint service....helps keep my hubby in a job!!! I however am on Verizon as that is what my company provides...doesn't make the guys happy to see my Verizon phone around.
You need to write a book...you are so talented!!!
Love, Aunt Janie
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