Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trouble has a name: Zachary.

Jacques told me this weekend, "If there is trouble, Zachary can find it." A truer statement has never been made. I took this photo on Sunday, he was throwing a baseball back and forth with Ryan.

This post is all about Trouble, er I mean Zachary. He is something indescribable, but cute. He hams it up for the camera and you can't not smile while you are scolding him.

This morning, he says, "Bug" and is looking down his shirt. I am like, "What? A bug?" Moments later, a bug falls out from his shirt. Nice.

On Sunday, we found a HUGE rhinoceros beetle and kept him for a few moments. When we let him go, Zachary picked him up! Yuck. It is huge and scary, but the kid picks it up.

He can hold up to three mini vanilla wafers in his mug at once. This could turn into a talent. I am thinking Hot Dog eating competitions..

If there is a puddle, he will find it.. Well, all my boys will find it, but he will linger the longest.

Did I mention he growls and grunts? He also had a perfect little pout with a glare and lips and belly pushed out.

He is a hand full.

He melts my heart.

He is trouble.


Unknown said...

Lo Flo,
Like we all don't know where he gets his personality from. That face and expression looks just like you when you were needing a favor when you were younger. It is all genetics, whats goes around always comes back around.


Aunt Janie said...

I am laughing out loud in my lonely hotel room..... so cute!!