Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
It's the thought that counts.
Jacques: "Jason and I are thinking of getting you an air compressor."
Friday, November 28, 2008
and again.
Black Friday, I rocked ya.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
not today.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
my thankfull list.
fuzzy warm pink slippers, Ryan's laugh, sunshine, bella and edward, lattes, paper, glue, a home and big bed, ipod, good books, camera, the soap net channel, our vehicles, mom and all, my bffs, lights, coffee, tacos and sour cream, bell, magazines, frozen tv dinners, my laptop, Zachary's squinty face, big boys that sleep in their own bed and not mine, Jason, Excedrin and eyeballs, ponytail holders, a hubby to hold, warm showers and sweats, the McRib, dark toenail polish, online shopping and discount stores, Arby's curly fries, Crayola crayons, yarn, good medical care, Lewis and Legos, burp rags, Jordyn and Jarrett, chapstick, all family and friends, Grandparents, flickr and blogger, health and love, quarters for gumball machines, cocoa and smores, jason's education, chai tea, dollar stores, Pampers and wipes, knee socks, emails and ims, playpens, photographs and memory cards, cell phone, chocolate and cheetos, a deck of cards to play war with Jason, spell check, calculators, savings bonds and staples
These are just some random, off the top of my head, everyday thankfulls that I usually just over look. For instance, I have never thought how much hair ties kick ass. Tomorrow, I will remember to be grateful and give thanks for the smaller things too.
Someday Life will slow down,
I had a okay night but was up at 430 with Ryan. I was able to get him back to sleep til 530 then Jacques took him. Yesterday he was up at 430 and did not go back to bed until 800. I drank the entire pot of coffee threw a straw. Zachary was up at 610 today and was just so cute I wanted to dunk him in my coffee. All full of smiles and a good nights sleep. I need to get a picture of that top tooth coming in.Jason is out of school for the holiday and I am loving the idea of staying home stuck to the couch until Monday.
We are hosting Thanksgiving again this year. Jacques will fry 7 turkeys this year too. Last year, I think he did 4 or 5. I always wondered what would happen to the holiday as I was growin' up. I knew that Grandma would not host Thanksgiving forever. Now that I am all grown up and like an adult or what not, I am content with the idea of taking over and starting our own traditions.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
holiday handmade.
Monday, November 24, 2008
See ya next week, Monday.
Thanks Again for everything, Mom. (I will send Walgreens photos when I catch my breath.) Glad to hear you are safe back in the Land of Oz, I mean Kansas.
Our oven was delivered today. No word on the inspection yet. Hopefully it will be good news. I will let you know. I have a bunch of photos to post of the house. Crossing our fingers that we still close on Wednesday.
I did do one Christmas Scrapbook Store design project that I was asked to do. I will post photos of that tomorrow.
I still have issues with one of my photo editing shops, that's why I am behind on photos. I am also having issue with my MSN messenger.
Zachary is teething. He is getting a top tooth and is full of attitude and drool. I think that is why he is having night time issues.
Ryan was rocking on his Daddy's lap just now, he crawled down, went to get his bottle then went back to his dad for more rocking. Such a big boy.
Jason is coloring and watching toons. He needs a haircut. Today he had a question about what Santa's procedure was if I was up rocking babies in the night when he came.. I assured him that would not be an issue for Santa.
Earlier today, Jason sneezed and hollered at me that I did not say Bless You. I told his that I had not heard his sneeze. He told me that maybe I should have a hearing test like he had last summer.
Looking Ahead: Ready for the long 4 day weekend. I am sure it will be busy, but it will be nice to be together. Tonight we bought all of our holiday fixins'. I have so much to be thankful for this year. See Ya Tomorrow for Tuesday.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday Night Review.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Today I am Thankful.
For good reads and the movies that follow.
For Rubik's Cubes and refund policies.
For Golden Oreos and warm caffeine beverages.
For itty bitty baby boys' shoes, size 4.
For one more day with Mom and painting supplies.
For unlimited nights and weekends.
For new hobbies and the time to pursue them, hopefully.
Friday, November 21, 2008
FREE Dead Cat Removal!
Friday is no walk in the park this week.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It's not always apples and oats.
Today Mom and Jacques were working hard on the house. We went to the Depot and were able to get the closet doors to replace the broken ones. The contractors were there and doing awesome. The gas was turned on too, but the heater is not working. Now we will have to call a repair man and see what he thinks. This could get scary.
Living Room- Done.
Office- Done.
Entryway- Done.
Room 1- Under Construction.
Room 3- 95% (needs touched up)
Room 4- 75% (needs 2nd coat)
Mom and I stopped in to price some cheap curtains, but were called away to run to the house. We will try again tomorrow. On Sunday night, we are going in and cleaning. The oven will come on Monday. (And Mom Leaves Too.) I think the inspection guy will be back that afternoon. That gives us 3 dull days left. We are still crossing fingers to close on the 26th.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Sigh of Relief, Without Photos.
I purchase the oven today. Ouch, an unavoidable expense. It will be delivered on Monday and the hubby will have to hook it up. (I need to check on his insurance policy just in case he gets shocked. Hopefully he won't lick the wires, but I would hate to have a random puddle of water on the floor ; )
The office is 100% complete. Thanks, MOM! She even took down the blinds and washed them. She did the ceiling fan too. She added the 2nd coat of paint and did all the touch ups. She was moving to the living room next. I am sure it will be completely done soon too.
Jacques was adding the 2nd coat to the babies room and then moving on to put the first (and only) coat in our room. I taped it off while we were there, so he should be good to go.
And the gas company is FINALLY turning on the gas. We have had electricity and water from the get go, but never gas.
We still have work to do, but there are only 2 more things that need done for the inspection guy to come back and hopefully give us a go. We are still waiting to close on next Wednesday.
No Photos Today, Maybe tomorrow. I will post some on flickr though of Grandma and the boys.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Carpet Inspector.
Updates: Today I called a contractor to get his estimate on this room, it was OUTRAGEOUS. We will continue to do it ourseleves. Also we need a new oven, the one in there is shot. That will be a $600+ expense. Mom and Jacques have been at the house since 1:00 today working hard. Jason is there too. I will post more later once I get some updates from "my crew." I left at 3:00 with the babies for naps.
Updates on Today's Work: Office. Jacques got the top half of the office done. The bottom was already done. Mom was doing the touch up with the paint. She also cleaned the ceiling fan, lights and blinds. Is just needs the outlets covers and vents back on, but they may have since done that.
Less Miles Apart.
Currently we are 12.5 miles from Jason's school and 18+ miles from Speech. Jacques work will be just about the same.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Ryan's helmet check up was great, just a few more weeks.
Jacques' team won the first football game, lost the second.
The house was carpeted.
It totally transformed the whole house!
Garage door was fixed and is now fully functional.
Tomorrow is FULL of more House Work.
Look for photos and another post tomorrow.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Home Work Day 2
I forgot to tell you yesterday, but Jacques told me a woman came by and was crushed that it had been sold. She even used the word "dream house." I sure hope she wasn't referring to the wall paper.
Then two more people came by today. I told the hubby we should take down the Remax sign before they sell the house twice. He said that is impossible cause it is under contract with us. We have also had to sign an "Intent to Buy Contract" before they would allow us to go in and do all this work.
Tomorrow will be Day 3 which involves the carpet installation and garage door spring being fixed. I am not sure anything else will get done because it's a work day for Jacques and I will be in Charlotte, NC picking up Mom from the airport and taking Ryan for a helmet check up. Then we will have the drive back. It will be close to 6 pm, if not later than that.
Be back tomorrow to keep you updated.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Home Work Day 1
I tried to upload photos from my memory card earlier but the program was having issues. That makes me nervous, especailly because Jacques is not here to soothe/beat on the computer.
Today Jacques is busy in the new house and has been since 7:30 am. He has already conquered the first wallpaper battle. Way to Go, Jacques! Now do more..
We are just lounging today. I need to run to Walgreens for photos. We will stop by the house to see Jacques and we may just have to hit the bookstore and Bucks. Look for more later.
Julie- Still watchin' for a HS to be sitting in my inbox.
Lewis- Welcome Back, Buddy!
Mom- See Ya in 2 Days.
Friday, November 14, 2008
back on track.
We have 12 days to do all the repairs that need done in order to please the VA inspector. If he then signs off, we will close on Wednesday November 26th. Then we can finish up the move and be out of the rent house by the 1st.
just today.
Picked up Jason.
Went to the bank.
Cooked soup and grilled cheese.
Paid Bills.
Ordered Jason's school photos.
Talked to Mom, Jamie, Jacques and Grandma.
Did 2 load of dishes.
Swept the floor.
Changed 6 diapers, 2 were smelly.
Confirmed the carpet instalation for Monday.
Chatted with Mom and Lewis on MSN.
Won an Ebay item.
Renewed Jacques Iowa on the truck.
Got the mail.
Working on a book for Shutterfly.
Dear Friday, where've you been all week?

Lewis- You cyberspace-less is boring me. Please resolve that issue immediately. Hugs.
Janie- Safe travels to you and yours during your travels through China over the next few weeks.
Yesterday Jacques called me on his way to the hospital to visit a solider, before we get off the phone, he jokingly asks if there is anything I need from Providence Northeast Hospital and I reply, "If you can get out of there with a brand new baby girl, that would be splendid." No Luck. He came home empty handed, but confessed that he saw a gurney and thought of me.
Hey Friday, what do you say you last forever? Go!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Go Thursday.

Twilighters: I got my neighbour hooked. She is on book two. My aunt picked up a copy to keep her busy on her flight to China. Julie-Do I need to say it, really? Fine. Read the books already!
Yesterday my Studio Calico kit came by UPS. It looks so super yummy! We had lunch at Ryan's Steakhouse, stopped by Walmart for waffles and dish soap, then dropped off 18 library books. There is still no news on the house. We are certainly getting annoyed, worried about time and the task at hand. Jacques had a football game. Their team won. The ultrasound photo that I did, see below, got 154 views yesterday. Wow.
It's 7:40 am and I have a cup of coffee poured but have not had any yet. Babies were up at 6 and Jacques took Jason to school. No Speech today, Mrs. Wendy is off. No plans for the day, it is rainy out. I have a ton of dishes piled up high that seriously need some attention. Maybe more later, Now Coffee.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Looking Ahead.
A New Home?
Twins Turn #1.
Celebrate #27.
Jacques Vacation.
New Years.
Take Up Knitting.
New Hope.
Jason Turns #6.
Sugar Mountain Ski Resort.
lots of random.
On another Holiday note, I plan to try Egg Nog this year. I have never had any before. And I have a few projects up my sleeves too.
There is still no news on the house. It will either be a Go or a No. Hopefully we hear anything soon. We are already 5 days off of schedule with a ton of work still needing done. I called this morning and they said they will call again this afternoon. Fingers and Eyes Crossed.
Today is the 10,000 Episode of All My Children, the only Soap I watch. I started watching it with our babysitter in elementary school and have been ever since. When I was in high school, the show aired at 3:00 so I would rush home after school let out at 3:05. As an adult, we have Soap Net which shows that days rerun 2 or 3 times a day. On Sunday it runs all 5 episodes in a row from that week. This really excites the hubby. Another something fun, I found a copy of the book All My Children by Agnes Nixon at the Goodwill. This was the book that started it all. (Update: The episode was awesome! And there was a guest appearance by Agnes!)
In the mail today, we got our SC property tax forms for the boat and the motor! What? You have to pay property tax on a motor! This luxury will cost me $455.01. I am thinking we will nix the motor and use paddles and ors.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Our Home.
Cooler Weather.
Leg Warmers.
Pen and Paper.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
be still my heart.

Saturday, In Review.
And I forgot to tell you what made my day, at the soccer field next to where we were playing, I noticed someone had left a coffee mug there. Everyone was almost gone as their game was already over, so we waited to make sure no one ever came back for it. Eventually I had Jacques go pick it up. It was a super neat one. So when we were at Target, I check the travel mugs to see if they had one like it. They did and they were priced at $19.99 each. Score on the Soccer Field for Mommy Today. Does that make me an awful psycho coffee mug stealer? Sorry.
Friday, November 07, 2008
that cold black cloud is coming down.
rehab and apples on friday.

Totally lovin' this song right now Bartender Song by Rehab. My hubby thinks I am such a weird person. Who else loves sweet plush apples with tender messages of hope and happiness and songs about parole and Chevrolet's? Give it a listen.
Aw Friday, My favorite day of the week. We are still hoping to close today, it is all on the bank's shoulders. We need to close today, I am not even kidding. We have no plans today either. Jason asked to go to the park after school. It should be in the 80's, I think we just may.
I am happy that Zachary survived yesterday, Poor Kid. Ryan,standing above him, dropped a baseball on his forehead. He busted his head hard twice under the kitchen table, I checked for blood. He fell at the Children's Museum, bad enough again that I checked for cuts and blood. Then I practically ripped his leg off getting him out of the stroller. It was caught in between the sides, and I was picking up both babies at once, didn't notice and lifted. And those were just the big bonks.. There were the normal little ones too. Geesh!
Weekend: Saturday is Jason's last soccer game at noon and Sunday we have a birthday party. If the house is in our possession by then, Jacques will be working hard on wallpaper removal.
Coffee is warm. Let's get going, Friday. I love You!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
more things on thursday.
I am still crossing my fingers for closing on the house tomorrow.
Jacques ran to the store then he is cooking super.
Jason's homework is done and he is watching Shrek 2.
I lent Twilight to the neighbor yesterday. She rushed over for Book 2 today. That reminds me to hound Julie again about reading the series. And until she reads them.
I talked to Mom, Jamie and Ian earlier.
I am super grouchy. So are the babies.
thursday things.

Zachary's 2nd tooth is finally about to pop out. Ryan has 6 teeth.
Our carpet is in and will be installed through out the new house on November 17th. We are suppose to close tomorrow, but not sure that will happen as our loan company is having non-cooperative attitudes from a third party. We need to close tomorrow.
A Thank You to my Lewis for googleing hours of operation.
No plans for the rest of the day. No speech until the 18th. We need to go to Home Depot this evening when the hubby gets home.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
good morning again..
Today I am feeling Crafty. I want to do something Red, White and Blue. I may call Jamie over to get her craft on with me. Or Julie if she wasn't in Waterloo.
I think we are good on the house closing in 2 days. We are just waiting on 2 pieces of paper. I will keep you updated.
Bell: Thanks for the email and call last night. Thinking of you today and your Momma.
I still have Halloween photos to post.
Both babies are down for their morning nap already. I should get started now. Hugs, M
good morning, america.
I have to say its amazing that Obama's middle name is held against him. I am sure he had no more to do with picking out his own name than any other in-utero baby does. I don't see anyone saying, "OMG.. John's middle name is Sidney. He may plan to add the words "Hello, Mate" to our national anthem." Hello, People. There is no need to comment snidely here as all comments are moderated as always. Change is Okay, People.
Moving On, today we have no plans and I couldn't be more thrilled. I will pick Jason up at school and we will be couch tatos. Tonight the hubby has a game at 7 but I won't go out that late.
Tomorrow Jason's class is going to the children's museum and I will chaperon too.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
two pumpkins.

Ohhh and the boys weights at 11 Months:
Zach 19.5 lbs and Ryan 18.13 lbs.
Today is Election Day, Get Out There and VOTE!
Monday, November 03, 2008
my son, the democrat.
Jason: "Mom, we voted today. I voted for the B guy. He will win tomorrow"
Me: "Do you mean Barack?"
Me: "Why did you vote for him and why do you think he will win?"
Jason: "Because I think he is rich and famous and nice. He got 14 class votes. The J guy got 8."
Me: "Oh. You mean John Mccain got 8 votes."
Jason: "Yep."
me and god, we be mates.
Crocodile Dundee: Of dying? Nah. I read The Bible once. You know God and Jesus and all them apostles? They were all fishermen, just like me. Yeah, straight to heaven for Mick Dundee.
Crocodile Dundee: Yep, me and God, we'd be mates.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Jokes by Jason.
Me: "No, what?"
Jason: "My root beer FLOAT."
Saturday, November 01, 2008
welcome back, november.
Friday: What a great Day. It was warm! Jacques took the morning off, so I could take Jason to school at 8, be there for the parade at 10, and then help for the class party. But because I had a couple hours before the festivities started, I went with another mom for treats at Starbucks.. I just can't celebrate Halloween without a Pumpkin Spice Latte. And I had a coupon for a free oatmeal... Ummmmmmmmm THE BEST OATMEAL EVER. Then we went over to the bookstore before heading back to the school.
After the party and parade, we came home so the hubby could head into work. Then the Byington's came over and we loaded up in the van and went over to Harbison and spent a few hours shopping around over there at Babies R Us, Barnes and Noble. We hit Starbucks for a Chai Tea Latte with Soy. Jason had a chocolate cupcake and chocolate milk. Then we read a Halloween story.
Once we got home, it was time to get around for some trick or treating. Jason got all dressed up and the twins. We drove over to Ft. Jackson to meet up at another soldiers house for treats and to group up for going out. We walked the neighborhoods and scored BIG on the candy.. Then we went back to the house for food and fun. We had a fire pit going for warmth and the booze helped with that too ; )
We were home by 843, thinking it was a lot later than that. I guess we were all just worn out and chilly. I followed the boys to bed by 930.
At 245 am, I noticed that Ryan was burning up at 101.9. I gave him some Tylenol and thankfully it started coming down right away. Also took the helmet off to cool him off. He was up 2 or 3 times through out the night. He was just uncomfortable and not feeling well.
Today both boys are leaking snot all over. I can't keep it off their faces, luckily it is clear. Good Sign. I had to miss Jason game at 103o because I didn't want the boys out in the cold. Jacques took him. This is the first game in 3 seasons I have missed. I am going to keep an eye on the babies today and if need be, I may take them to the clinic.
Other than that, we are not getting them out at all. The hubby and Jason have "man" work outside to keep them busy and I will stay in and play with paper and glue. Later one of us will get out to the store. I am thinking chili to celebrate November.
6 days till we are homeowners : )
Another post later with a photo recap. hugs.