Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home Work Day 2

No Photos, but more progress.. Secretly, not as much as I would have liked, but something is better than nothing. And I am not the one over there bustin' my behind, so I really can't complain. The entry way got its 2nd coat on the top and the bottom half done in white. It was an awful pink/cream. The living room got both coats of white and Jacques got the drywall putty up. Personally I thought he would of used a ton more, but we will see what happens.

I forgot to tell you yesterday, but Jacques told me a woman came by and was crushed that it had been sold. She even used the word "dream house." I sure hope she wasn't referring to the wall paper.

Then two more people came by today. I told the hubby we should take down the Remax sign before they sell the house twice. He said that is impossible cause it is under contract with us. We have also had to sign an "Intent to Buy Contract" before they would allow us to go in and do all this work.

Tomorrow will be Day 3 which involves the carpet installation and garage door spring being fixed. I am not sure anything else will get done because it's a work day for Jacques and I will be in Charlotte, NC picking up Mom from the airport and taking Ryan for a helmet check up. Then we will have the drive back. It will be close to 6 pm, if not later than that.

Be back tomorrow to keep you updated.

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