Friday, November 14, 2008

Dear Friday, where've you been all week?

Hooray for Friday. It's about time it showed up. These are 2 of my boys from Sunday November 9th. That's Zach and Dad. Not much to report this morning. Coffee is warm, weather is cold and wet. And we have got access to the house as of today, I believe. We ran off to Home Depot last night for a few supplies to get this thing kicked in the butt. This weekend Jacques will be over there non stop busting his behind. Mom will be here on Monday and she will be a huge help as well. Thank you all who left comments to "keep positive" on the house.

Lewis- You cyberspace-less is boring me. Please resolve that issue immediately. Hugs.

Janie- Safe travels to you and yours during your travels through China over the next few weeks.

Yesterday Jacques called me on his way to the hospital to visit a solider, before we get off the phone, he jokingly asks if there is anything I need from Providence Northeast Hospital and I reply, "If you can get out of there with a brand new baby girl, that would be splendid." No Luck. He came home empty handed, but confessed that he saw a gurney and thought of me.

Hey Friday, what do you say you last forever? Go!


Mandi said...

Yay Friday! I'm happy it's here, also! Sounds like the house is going well! Congrats! Also, in March you can come visit my brand new baby girl. But, you can't keep her, sorry! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...


I am back in the techno world again. darn hard drive anyway

To quote the great Arnold, I am Back.
Love you LEWIS