Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hey There. Really Quick, I noticed that I have a ton of photos from 2007 that never made it to my flickr account. I have already started to add a bunch of them and will continue to do so.

I tried to upload photos from my memory card earlier but the program was having issues. That makes me nervous, especailly because Jacques is not here to soothe/beat on the computer.

Today Jacques is busy in the new house and has been since 7:30 am. He has already conquered the first wallpaper battle. Way to Go, Jacques! Now do more..

We are just lounging today. I need to run to Walgreens for photos. We will stop by the house to see Jacques and we may just have to hit the bookstore and Bucks. Look for more later.

Julie- Still watchin' for a HS to be sitting in my inbox.
Lewis- Welcome Back, Buddy!
Mom- See Ya in 2 Days.

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