Friday, November 07, 2008

rehab and apples on friday.

Love, love, love these. They are made in France by Lamomme's Shop on Etsy. They are $16 each of $42 for this set of three. Also the words are customizable, up to 10 letters. How perfect is that? These better be in my stocking on Christmas Morning, Santa.

Totally lovin' this song right now Bartender Song by Rehab. My hubby thinks I am such a weird person. Who else loves sweet plush apples with tender messages of hope and happiness and songs about parole and Chevrolet's? Give it a listen.

Aw Friday, My favorite day of the week. We are still hoping to close today, it is all on the bank's shoulders. We need to close today, I am not even kidding. We have no plans today either. Jason asked to go to the park after school. It should be in the 80's, I think we just may.

I am happy that Zachary survived yesterday, Poor Kid. Ryan,standing above him, dropped a baseball on his forehead. He busted his head hard twice under the kitchen table, I checked for blood. He fell at the Children's Museum, bad enough again that I checked for cuts and blood. Then I practically ripped his leg off getting him out of the stroller. It was caught in between the sides, and I was picking up both babies at once, didn't notice and lifted. And those were just the big bonks.. There were the normal little ones too. Geesh!

Weekend: Saturday is Jason's last soccer game at noon and Sunday we have a birthday party. If the house is in our possession by then, Jacques will be working hard on wallpaper removal.

Coffee is warm. Let's get going, Friday. I love You!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Good luck on the house! You're lucky little boys can take a lot of beatin... Have a nice weekend!