Friday, November 28, 2008

and again.

We all got out around 11 to go see if Target had anything left. I got a bunch of movies for $4 and a Christmas decoration that I had my eye on. We had Starbucks then headed to the Home Depot with accurate directions from my Garman. (Not that I don't know the way backwards and blindfolded.) After that, we walked over to Chilis cause it was over 70 degrees out. The boys fell asleep on the way home, but we were unable to make a smooth transfer from the van to the cribs. Jacques went over to the house to do some painting. It is now 426 and I just got the boys down for a nap. Jason is watching The Grinch and I am ready for some relaxation after a full day already. I have already been up 13 hours and I have at least 5 hours left. Hugs, M

1 comment:

Becca said...

I went to Target too! I got a killer jewlery box for $35 and I also checked out the $4 DVDs. Goonies anyone? We're too much alike. I love you Lee!