Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
as happy as a phillie.

Yesterday the hubby was home by 1130 then we went for Jason, drove thru BK, took the loan papers to the loan people, went to home depot to buy and order our carpet, then made it home by 4:00 then had to turn around for soccer at 445. Jacques took Jason and the we stayed home. After practice, I sent a list with them for walmart. When they got home, it was ribs, sausage and sides for super.. Then homework and bedtime. Jason and I were both seriously exhausted.
Today I have to pick Jason up then take him to speech. Then I have to go to the store to buy things to make up goody bags for the class. Jacques will be at the new house at 4 waiting for the garage doorman for an estimate. Then from 530-800 we have a Halloween thing at Jason's school. Then again it will be homework, super, bath and bedtime. And we need to fit in pumpkin carving too.. Maybe we can do that late over the weekend.
Friday will be packed full to with Halloween and things.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
House, the Hubby and Everyday Lists.

Did you see House last night? OMG! House and Cuddy, Love is in the Air. I was a little emotional when she lost the baby. It was a girl. I can always relate to a momma losin' a baby girl, I just associate it with me never having my baby girl. I am the same with Daddies and Daughters too. Me, for not having had one. And for the daughter/daddy relationship Jacques will not have with a daughter of our own, a relationship that I craved for myself and for my daughter. Back to House, sorry about the Hallmark Moment there. I have 1 episode left of Season 3 then I will need Season 4. I will have seen every single episode. Maybe the hubby will surprise me with Season 4 today..
Jacques should be home around 10 ish. We will get Jason then we have errands to run. It will be nice to have help although things were a breeze alone with the babies. Maybe sanity will soon follow. They will be 11 months on Monday. And Mom will be here in just a few weeks..
Also: New Photos and a video Up on Flickr.
Tonight: Soccer and Football.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
taking a mommy moment.
I want to sit and create or control the weather, but I feel like I have a ton of things to do to prep for the move next month. But really, what can I do a month out? I obviously can't pack or scrub down everything. I am doing odd bits here and there, like organizing my file box. I am sure that was essential for a move, not.
Tomorrow the hubby should return around 10:00 am. It's amazing how clean the house stayed without a hubby around. We both will go get Jason from school, he will be super excited. Then it's over to finalize the carpet. I also need to start some Halloween treat bags for the entire kindergarten class. We have soccer and football tomorrow too. Nothing Like a Busy Day to Kick you in the Butt.
Okay. Mommy Moment Over. Jason is out of punishment. I have him quietly organizing his markers and crayon buckets, Another something that is critical in moving to a new house.
Enjoy your Moments Today, M
Monday, October 27, 2008
posting this now while the computer still works.
like john and june and the 7 year stretch.

Last night we went to Boo at the Zoo and had a wonderful time. Jason scored a loot of candy. The twins rode great in the stroller for the whole thing. They enjoyed the noise and lights. I will post photos later from that.
We were done at about 7:44 so we drove through McDs for some quick super. The babies fell asleep on the way home and I was successfully able to take the straight to bed. Jason and I were also in bed by 8:45. Both babies stayed in bed through the night too. Zachary was up at 5:30 and Ryan by 6:30.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
really quick cause i lack caffeine.
I need to start coffee now.
I watched Mad Money last night with the neighbor.
I won an item on ebay already today.
Muffin Tops and Coffee for breakfast. OJ for Jason.
Boo at the Zoo, maybe today?
Hubby will now be gone until Wednesday.
I had to cancel my hair appointment on Monday.
This week I need to make 20 some treat bags for Jason's class.
Ryan is walking all over.
Zachary is taking small walks too.
LSU was slaughtered by Georgia last night.
I did 2 scrap pages yesterday. Look for them later.
The house loan papers are coming together smoothly.
We need to finalize what carpet I want in the house next week.
In 13 days, we will be a homeowners.
Posted 2 videos from Jason's game on flickr.
Tomorrow is our anniversary.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
2 months till Christmas..

I have Jason working on his list too. I have lots of Grandparents asking about him and the babies gift ideas. I will be back with another post another day with what they need. Uncle Ian- You got a personal list ; )

Friday, October 24, 2008
a good day, good night.
hello there, me here.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
good morning, thursday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
really quick.
Ryan's appointment went well yesterday.
Another check up in 2 weeks.
Soccer was cold.
Hubby won his game.
I still have photos to post...
Zachary WALKED.
hello colder weather, how do you do?

Last night I was up 7 times and the hubby was up 3 times. Today is all about being sluggish until the caffeine can pump through my veins faster. I watched 2 episodes of House Season 3 and made some annoying yet necessary phone calls.
The house inspection and carpet measurements are both this afternoon. We have been playing tag with 2 home loan companies and our interest rates. They were jumping up and down like frogs on crack. But finally we are locked in at 5.8% however we will most likely lose a processing fee, but we will make that up with just a few months of much cheaper payments.
Jason, the boys and I are headed to the library after school. This could be tragic. I am not sure how 2 infants will behave there. I have put a roll of duct tape in the diaper bag as a back up plan. What makes this task possibly manageable is the fact that I go to the online library and put all my books on hold. When they are all in, I can go up to the desk, where they are all lined up and waiting for me, check out and go. As long as the babies are content, we will browse the children's library.
Tonight is also soccer practice and football games.
Hooray for Boys!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
one year later.

Recap: Last night was a rough one. I was up continually with babies. As soon as I laid one down, the other would fuss. I couldn't catch a wink. My body ached too and I had a 5 year olds leg up in my face. He snuck into bed with us early on.
I was up by 6 and got a majority of the chores out of the way. By 6:30 laundry and the dishwasher was going. I had already swept the floors, packed Jason's snack, picked up the living room and chugged a pot of coffee. Jacques took Jason to school and Zachary slept till after 8, and that was because he was up all night with his mommy.
Today the kids and I are headed to Charlotte, NC for Ryan's check up. I am hoping for a great appointment. We are going without the hubby as a chauffeur. I may have to pull over every 5 minutes to fix bottles and entertain babies. On the way back, depending on all the kids attitudes, we may pull over at a play center for some fun and food.
More later about Ryan's progress and our day, Photos too.
Monday, October 20, 2008
more things random.
-I want to buy wooden hangers for our clothes.
-I need more black photo frames with white matts, all sizes.
-I have a cut and color appointment next week.
-I want cubbies for the kids rooms.
-Our anniversary is next week.
-Jacques will be in San Antonio for 4 days this weekend.
-Zachary just had a poopy diaper.
-Jason's legs are too long for all his jeans.
-I have 13 books on hold at the library.
-They are all about homes and decor.
-Babies lunch: Veggie Bacon Chicken and Bananas.
-Jason's lunch: McDs
-I haven't done anything creative in 3 days.
-Jacques got home from work before 3 pm.
-I just busted the Ctrl button on the puter.
-The babies get into everything.
-I did something creative this afternoon.
-It will be up for sale later today on etsy.
-I watched some Oprah and Dr. Phil.
-Jason is outside playing.
-Ryan napped, Zachary did not.
-Hubby has a football game at 6 pm.
-There are new photos up on flickr. I have videos to post too.
-Jacques and Jason built a robot today.
-I got a 20% off coupon in the mail from Bed, Bath and Beyond.
-Jason got a Lego magazine in the mail.
-Tonight the babies need baths.
and another week begins.

No plans for the day. I feel like I should do a ton of things to prep for the move, but there is not much I can do really. I will purge things here and there. And I have a million post it notes with to-dos and such. Jason is at school. The hubby is at work.
Tomorrow I go to Charlotte for Ryan.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
game reviews.
Really Quick, We play 4 vs 4 with no goalies, which gives both teams plenty of opportunities to score without the goal being blocked.
Soooooo then, his wife asks ours coaches, "Do you mind if we play 6 on 4 so our kids can score?" So our coaches say yes. You know I am all for both teams scoring and I don't care who wins either, BUT Hello! S0 they send out 6 against our 4. The next thing you know, they have 7 players on the field against our 4. By the end of the game, they have 8 on the field against our 4.
BUT I am HAPPY to say that we still smoked em'. Seriously, you don't tell the other team, "Hey sorry but ummm we are losing and are poor sports about it so can you bench your good players and can we cheat and have 8 players against your 4?"
As Dr. Phil would say, Get Real People.
good morrow, pilgrim.

Okay.. A little less dramatic, it won't need stitches. Above is a scrap page from yesterday. It is a total life from Michelle. I realized after the scan that I need to add a date to the page. I tried to sew the picture frame... Now you know why I scrap and not sew. Adur.
It looks like we will be able to have the house inspected on Tuesday. I have to be in Charlotte that day for Ryan so I may have to make the trip alone. No biggie. I was planning on stopping at a play yard and shopping center anyway. That will help get the kids out of the car and tired for the trip back.
Today: Soccer Game at 10:30. Meeting up with the realtor. That's as far as our plans go. It is kind of refreshing to not have "to dos" back to back like the past few weekends. I am out of black ink in the printer though and it seems that black is an essential color when it comes to printing. We may stop off at staples and I wouldn't mind going to Michael's and the scrap store. And I already got to indulge in 2 episodes of House.
Hey Saturday, "To Be, or Not to Be: That is the Question."
And for some Saturday Shakespearean fun: Did you know that the above quote from Hamlet is him debating whether to commit suicide or not? Betcha didn't know that.. Well I bet Bell may have.
Friday, October 17, 2008
i am a winner.
things that make you go huh?
When I throw in a load, it's huge.
Yet laundry baskets remain the same size
I just heard that our finally offer with them paying closing costs has been accepted. Now we can have it inspected before moving on with closing and buying.
Then comes the carpet and paint.
And the packing and moving.
a PJ kind of day.
Today Jason and I are celebrating all things Halloween starting with orange icing cinnamon rolls. I also have pumpkins to paint and decorate, apple cider, and pumpkin spice bread. I think he is planning on wearing his costume all day. I will be back with a post full of photos later today. Cya Then.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
the little details.
Watching a Halloween cartoon.
3 new magazines to read.
Finished House Season 2.
Bought House Season 3.
3 library books are due tomorrow.
Grocery Shopped at Walmart.
No news on the house.
Jason and I are celebrating Halloween tomorrow.
Babies' are wearing new outfits from Grandma Long and Sarah.
It's 7:41 pm.
the thursday that feels like friday.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
quick update.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last night was not as full of sleep as the last few. I was up a lot dispensing out bottles to babys. Luckily when I got up at 615, the coffee was waiting. Thanks, Hubby.
Yesterday my camera hit over 8100 photos. Wow. That's a lot. I also saw that there is a photography contest on Post. I should check into it.
Yesterday our offer on the house was "officially" submitted. Hopefully we hear something this week. I'll let you know. We still are waiting to have it inspected. Then we will get some painting estimates. Did I mention that I am accepting all Lowe's gift cards for Christmas, Hanukkah and Veteran's Day?
This is a super short week for us. The hubby was off yesterday and Jason is off on Friday. There is no speech again this week. Tomorrow we are going costume shopping for Jason. He wants to be Bumble Bee. We have soccer Wednesday and Saturday. This weekend is also Boo at the Zoo.
I have some scrap pages to post later. Be back Then. Hugs.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
And Sunday Smiled.
There are only 2 weekends left till Halloween and we still have 3 major things to do: Buy a Costume, Visit the Pumpkin Patch, and Boo At The Zoo. These things are weighing heavy on my heart; I am going to try to accomplish at least 1 of them today.
Let's make today Lovely.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
recent details.
We went to the party.
My feet ache.
It's cause while my shoes are super cute, they aren't supportive.
We had Chick Filet for lunch.
We went to Sears.
We signed papers for the Realtor, scary.
Starbucks had a planner for '08 -'09. It's on my Christmas List.
I had a Venti Pumpkin Spice Latte with Soy.
I was sad when it was empty.
Jason got a new Wii game.
Jacques will never let me have a Pug.
I may have to get rid of him.
before seven a.m.

-Started 2 loads of laundry.
-Got all the soccer equipment around.
-Packed the diaper bag.
-Laid out 3 little boys' outfits.
-Started the coffee.
-Have yet to pour a cup.
-Uploaded photos, like the one above from last night.
-Chased after babies.
-Found that I ran a bottle through the wash machine.
-Made waffles and 2 bottles.
-Check email and blogged.
-I am super lucky to be Mom.
-And super lucky to have Hubby.
Friday, October 10, 2008
greetings, mr. friday.

Let's Go Friday, I'll Race Ya.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
what made today, today.
I drank an entire pot of coffee.
Jason went to and from school.
Changed 2 dirty diapers.
Watched 4 episodes of House Season 2, Disc 2 and 3.
Cleaned off my desk.
Worked on 3 ongoing projects.
Made Jason PB crackers for snack.
I rocked 2 babies and put them down for a nap.
Took the trash out to the curb, then got the mail.
Talked to Grandma, Mom, Lewis, Ian, Shannon and Jacques.
Pizza for super.
Ice water in my STBKS cup.
Did the dishes.
Swept the Floor.
An email from Bell and one to Julie.
Made an offer on the house, contingent on the inspection.
Totally Blaha Title.
Project Double Ohhhh 8

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Hooray for Miserable Weather,
I am so happy because Mr. Ryan is making great progress! His forehead is wider. His ears are aligning and the back of his head is rounding out. His eye needs to be more aligned with the other, but he is just trucking along. Next check up in 2 more weeks.
Ryan Christian
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
halloween love.

Picture from Ormolu.
life list review, one year later.

11. Learn to sew.
Monday, October 06, 2008
7 day forecast with a 3 day recap.
Tuesday: School, work, Speech
Wednesday: School, Work, Charlotte for Ryan, Soccer, football
Thursday: School, Speech, Hubby on TDY in Kentucky
Friday: School, Hubby home late from Kentucky
Saturday: Soccer game, birthday party
Sunday: Hopefully Relaxing with a slight chance of rain.
Wheeeewwww.. Out of one week and right in to the next. We had a busy weekend around here. On Friday, I took the kids to the Zoo. Later when the hubby was off work, we went to Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Conway and got some coffee.
Saturday: We both were up all night with the babies. I was a zombie. I even wore make up so I would look less "living deadish".. It didn't work. We were out the door at 730 for soccer pictures before the 900 game. Jason played great and scored 2 goals, winning us the game! We came home for lunch and rest. We were back out the door for a little house hunting at 1:00. That kept us busy till 4 and we had Chilis for lunch. Both babies slept great on this night cause they were wore out as well. I think I was up twice for about half an hour each time. And the hubby was up for an hour too.
Sunday: Sleeping in until 8:00. Breakfast then Ribs for lunch. Stayed home till 2:00. Then to Target and out for groceries.. A quick stop at the Bucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte'. And home for the rest of the day. Did a bunch of housework, so today I can take it easy.. but bottles still need done and there is always another load of laundry.. And there is always more House.
That brings us back today and has me thinking ahead..
-babies need winter clothes, slippers and coats
-Jason needs long sleeve/pants school uniform
-Halloween Costumes?
-a trip to the pumpkin patch
-the state fair starts this week
-our anniversary
Sunday, October 05, 2008

Friday, October 03, 2008
Hello there.
Today the babies are 10 Months old. Where did that time go? In just 2 short months, I will have 1 year olds. Wow.. Look for a post of photos later.
Ryan @ 10 Months: Says Mama, Dada and is making a baa baa sound. Likes the Zoo, baths and the outdoors. Is a good eater. Is doing great in his helmet. Can clap well. Lots of jabbering. Wearing Size 4 Pampers. Has 2 bottom teeth and 1 top tooth. Enjoys Jason. Is sleeping in his crib at night. But still not taking good naps. Currently has clear runny nose.
Zach @ 10 Months: Says Mama, Dada and is making a bye sound. He will also hold a hand up high in the air, while saying bye. Claps really well and when prompted. Loves bathtime, car rides and being outdoors. Loves human food (see size of cheeks and thighs.) In Size 4 Pampers. Stands alone unassisted for short periods. Has not taken first steps. Has 1 bottom tooth. Loves Jason. Still a good napper. Currently has a poopy diaper.
Today: I took Jason to school and almost hit a deer on the way home. Yes, my whole life flashed before my eyes. Jacques was at home when I arrived and entertained the babies. He has football practice after work. I was thinking it may be a perfect day for the Zoo after school. Already changed 2 poopy diapers.. Keeping me busy (besides the babies) House Season 1 Disc 2 Episode 2
Saturday: Soccer game at 9:00 and its photo day. We are viewing the house again tomorrow. I am taking the camera, Jacques is taking the realtor. We also need groceries.
Look for more later. Let's Go, Friday!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
it never slowed down..
Okay, mopeing over.. These are from the park on Monday. I took Jason after school. More photos up on flickr.

Yesterday we went to the bank, to Barnes and Noble, Starbucks (Hooray for October and the return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte') then to soccer practice and Fazzoils for supper. I also hit the grocery store for stamps and formula.
Today: Jacques to Jason to school. I drank caffeine, lots of it. I will pick Jason up and then over to speech. The hubby will be late with work tonight and all 3 kids will need to be bathed. But for now, Coffee and House Season One.
Tomorrow: Friday! And the boys will be 10 months old. Jacques has a football game, work and Jason school. Soccer on Saturday and we are seeing the house again.