Were you able to hear the upbeat tone in my title? That's because last night involved sleep and a lot of it. Today I am well rested, loving life, indulging in coffee and ready to fight global warming while wearing the cutest pink pumps and a cape. Yesterday I worked on updating 3 ongoing projects including the one in the photo above. I found it in the bottom of a drawer and it was started last October. It is a simple moleskin journal with note print outs about my day. I kept it up until December. It was fun to read through it a year later.. I will pick up where I left off and starting with this month.
So last night all 3 kids were in bed by 9 and I was by about 9:15. I did however miss the premier of CSI so I am a little bummed about that. I need a DVR. I am adding that to my Christmas list. Last night I noticed that not only is Ryan getting the 2nd top tooth, but a 3rd one as well. This kid is going to have a mouth full.

On with Today, Jason is at school and I am ready for some House. The babies are content. Tonight we are suppose to go to a USC Soccer Game with Jason's team to let them see a professional game. That should be fun, weather permitting. Tomorrow Jason has a game at 10:30 and a birthday party at 12:15. It will be a busy day. I am hoping for some down time and that the house will clean its self.
Let's Go Friday, I'll Race Ya.
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