Thursday, October 16, 2008

the thursday that feels like friday.

This morning, when it was time to leave for school at 705, both babies were still asleep. Go figure. Tomorrow Jason doesn't have school which means we can sleep in.. So I am 100% positive that they will both be awake at 5-530. The same goes for Jason too though. I have to wake him with a blowhorn on the weekdays, but on Saturday he is up before the sun.
This morning, I am putting off everything involving clorox, rags, and hard work, and I am devoting my morning to coffee and House. Hugh Laurie is just the BEST. Everybody Lies.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I know what you mean. I LOVE House. I can't wait for it to come on. We DVR it too so we are sure not to miss it but I wish we could fast forward through live tv.