Saturday, October 18, 2008

game reviews.

Jason's game was great. He scored twice and one of them I caught on video. Go to flicker to watch 8 short clips of his game. I have to tell you about the opposing teams coach. We are winning the game at 8 to 1. They did have a good team too. They beat us last year. The coach tells Jacques "Wow, those kids are scorein' a lot, maybe you should take them out." (Obviously one of those kids is Jason.) HELLO! He thought they should be benched for being too good? They are 5 year olds. Basically, he was saying. "Hey, if you take those kids out who are good at the game, maybe we would win."

Really Quick, We play 4 vs 4 with no goalies, which gives both teams plenty of opportunities to score without the goal being blocked.

Soooooo then, his wife asks ours coaches, "Do you mind if we play 6 on 4 so our kids can score?" So our coaches say yes. You know I am all for both teams scoring and I don't care who wins either, BUT Hello! S0 they send out 6 against our 4. The next thing you know, they have 7 players on the field against our 4. By the end of the game, they have 8 on the field against our 4.

BUT I am HAPPY to say that we still smoked em'. Seriously, you don't tell the other team, "Hey sorry but ummm we are losing and are poor sports about it so can you bench your good players and can we cheat and have 8 players against your 4?"

As Dr. Phil would say, Get Real People.


Unknown said...

Way to kick their butts DAWG.

Mandi said...

That is hysterical! Some people just shouldn't be coaching kids sports. Do they know it's just for fun?!?

Unknown said...

That is just way cool being able to watch them play soccer. Way to go MOM, thanks for keeping us in touch with everything out there.
Makes me miss you more, Love ya all LEWIS